I will walk with you to “The Gate”…
…and help you prepare for that path.

Maureen Hoffmann
Tender Doula End-of-Life Companion

I am one with whom you can have those hard conversations about death.

Maureen Hoffmann and Tango

Why am I an End-of-Life Doula?

Because, when I’ve been at the side of someone as their death has neared, I’ve felt it so sacred and so profound to “walk with them to The Gate”… whatever the “gate” is. To hold their hand, to hear their questions, to accompany them during a difficult and mysterious time is an honor. If I can provide comfort and companionship… a steady footing in their dimming life, then I will know the joy of deep purpose.

And if a person is not yet facing that dark specter of their own end, but rather they want to be prepared–for their own ease and the ease of those they will leave behind–I can sit with them through that contemplation and preparation. Then I will hear their deep, reassured sigh as they acknowledge that they are now ready for whenever that day may come… and that they can put aside the planning and paperwork and go on living their life fully.

The gift and power of simply being ready for one’s own death! Prepare for it, and then just step away and GO LIVE NOW.”

Tender Doula

Yes, I am tender. I am also direct, informative, very organized and professional when assisting you in weighing and sorting your needs and options.

I’m based in Burien, Washington, just a few miles south of Seattle. I received intensive doula training through the International End-of-Life Doula Association (INELDA), based in New Jersey. I attend ongoing training with them. I have also completed training as a hospice volunteer with EvergreenHealth Hospice Care, in Kirkland, WA, and continue to see hospice patients in south King County.

I’ve been a professional Graphic and Web Designer for over 40 years, and I’m an artist who enjoys time in my studio, putting paint on paper or stitching fabric. I bring my creativity to all areas of my life… including my care for others around me.